Friday, April 11, 2008

This is my LAST post on this challenge!

I made it!!!!!!!!! I did 50 milez N 47 dayz- Yay! It is such a good feeling of accomplishment to have completed my goal. It was not so hard- the hardest part is the first mile- after that - piece of cake.
I gotta say I am jazzed to have finished before the deadline and the pressure is off- at least for the moment. Oh yeah - I have many, many, many more miles to walk- in the coming days , weeks and years. I am seeing the results and I am NOT about to slow down- I have a long, long way to go for the body I want to see and feel. Besides, we have the babies now and they need to be walked a lot. With the weather getting nicer I plan to be out with them so much more making treks around the neighborhood and beyond. I will probably take a week or so break from the actual challenge- but no doubt still be on the treadmill or outside walking in the meantime. I will be posting a new challenge shortly- gotta just bask in pride for awhile in the sunshine of knowing I DID IT! C'ya, Jules

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