Thursday, February 28, 2008

Getting off to a great start so far

I am so proud of myself- I have walked a total of 6 miles this week. Yeah! I walked 2 more miles yesterday and 2 today. It is getting a little easier adding on the extra 1/2 mile for the walkathon. I plan to make at least a mile while in Nashville this weekend.
I thought of another tip I can give everyone and that is if you decide to do any uphill walking (which is what I do) make sure to step "heel to toe" .I learned this lesson the hard way , just like the warming up and cooling down. We were in Bloomington at IU for Jamie's Orientation and did a ton of walking. Lots of uphill and downhill and as a result I developed shin splints. My shins were sore for days and it was not fun. Dan is the one who helped me out with this - he said it happened a lot to soldiers while they run. So the way to avoid this is when you step down (and this is walking or running uphill or downhill) make sure when your foot hits the ground ,or whatever you are on, that your heel hits first then your toes. I haven't had the shin splints since then because once you have them you NEVER want them again , so you remember , believe me. Hope everyone is coming along nicely and maybe gives a little report as to their progress- C'ya , Jules

Monday, February 25, 2008

First Day- Whew!

I got going this morning on the treadmill about 7:20 a.m. It occurred to me while walking that I will walk 2 miles 3 times per week and make up the other mile during the work week or on the weekend. A mile is nothing- so I can make that up anytime during the week. I have to admit it was quite the workout today and once I got to the 25 minute mark, which is where I normally start cooling and winding down, I was ready to cool down and wind down but I made myself keep going right on with the 2 miles. I completed it in 37.1 minutes. I am kind of a slow walker but I do walk on a 6 degree incline, which I have worked up to since September. I work up a really good sweat so I know I am doing something. Best of luck to everyone and get out there and move- C'ya Jules

Friday, February 22, 2008

Don't forget!

One thing I wanted to mention since everyone is just starting out fresh. Don't forget to warm up and cool down with your workouts. I found out the hard way a few years ago. I tore my calf muscle and it hurts. I warm up and cool down for at least 5 minutes at the beginning and end. Of course it counts as part of your workout.
The fantastic part of working out regularly is that on the days that I don't workout I feel sluggish and tired. I love that cause it gets me off my butt and on that treadmill cause I know I will feel energized and ready for the rest of the day with loads of energy. That will help taking care of the babies and you will notice a difference in your energy level. After I workout I have this rush that I gotta do stuff. I get more done the hour after my workout than I get done the rest of the day. Feeling tired and a little sluggish at first is normal - you may even feel like you want to take a nap. Take one if you feel that way, if possible. Listen to your body- it will tell you what it needs. I am no expert but am speaking from my own experience. You may even have to force the first week or so- but keep at it and I promise you , you will notice a difference in how you feel. You just gotta get your internal motor revved and you will see and feel the results.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Does running after a 3 year old help?

I am so ready to do this. I am going to get one of those pedometers and find out what I do in a normal day, and go above and beyond that hopefully. When the weather gets nicer I plan on going on family walks with Joe and the kids. I am excited, I think this will be encouraging. Thanks for starting this.

Gracie and I are Getting Geared Up!

My girl and I will be walking in the neighborhood, the mall etc! It's past time for me to get started!

Ready to Get Started?

I am ready to go! I am thinking a good start date should be at the beginning of the week so how about Monday February 25th? I will be doing the majority of my walking on the treadmill but will try to incorporate some outdoor walking for diversity. I won't be walking every single day but know that I need to make up any days that I miss by walking that much farther the next time. I am going to calculate what I need to do on each workout to make the deadline of April 14th to make sure I get in the entire 50 miles.
Get those walking shoes ready !