Thursday, February 28, 2008

Getting off to a great start so far

I am so proud of myself- I have walked a total of 6 miles this week. Yeah! I walked 2 more miles yesterday and 2 today. It is getting a little easier adding on the extra 1/2 mile for the walkathon. I plan to make at least a mile while in Nashville this weekend.
I thought of another tip I can give everyone and that is if you decide to do any uphill walking (which is what I do) make sure to step "heel to toe" .I learned this lesson the hard way , just like the warming up and cooling down. We were in Bloomington at IU for Jamie's Orientation and did a ton of walking. Lots of uphill and downhill and as a result I developed shin splints. My shins were sore for days and it was not fun. Dan is the one who helped me out with this - he said it happened a lot to soldiers while they run. So the way to avoid this is when you step down (and this is walking or running uphill or downhill) make sure when your foot hits the ground ,or whatever you are on, that your heel hits first then your toes. I haven't had the shin splints since then because once you have them you NEVER want them again , so you remember , believe me. Hope everyone is coming along nicely and maybe gives a little report as to their progress- C'ya , Jules

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