Friday, March 14, 2008

Weight Gain

Mom, I'm so glad that you opened up about your weight gain. My last doctor's appointment was a huge wake-up call for me. I weighed in at 140 lbs., the most I have ever weighed. Two winters ago, I hit my goal of being a size 6 and weighed in at about 125 pounds. I did it the healthy way--watching what I ate, eating smaller portions, and getting exercise by "playing" instead of boring my ass to death at the gym. I hadn't felt that good in a long time.

Since then, I've slowly but surely gained 15 pounds. A great part of my problem is stress. Not only do I have so little time to cook, but I have found eating to be one of the few joys I let myself have. It's so much easier to get through a 13-hour day of work and school if I know I can stop for yummy fast food and a fountain Coke on my way home as a treat. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad...

I am going to really try to be better and reduce stress in an attempt not to find comfort in food like I have been. I think it will help, not only with my weight, but with my overall mental and physical health. I'd love any tips or advice.

1 comment:

Jules0988 said...

Maybe part of the problem with your eating habits is that you are eating late at night. I know how food can be charming and comforting. It draws you in and entices you. I am trying to be more careful during the week and allowing myself to pig out on the weekends. I think having Oscar and being "forced" to get out and walk him will greatly help not only with the stress level but will also decrease your appetite for unhealthy food. When you get home from a long day and get out and walk him you will feel so energized that you may find yourself with the energy to cook. Fresh air just seems to bring out the best in us. I cannot imagine your nightmarish schedule but you are tough and will make it. Don't beat yourself up over a number on a scale- don't even think about it.It doesn't matter. Take one day at a time and know that the sacrifices you are making today will pay off forever in your future. Commit to yourself that you will have that giant size Coke once a week instead of every day or whatever. Make little changes- take baby steps. You need to spoil yourself daily - take a bubble bath- give yourself a manicure or pedicure or better yet - go get one. Use things other than food to reward yourself for a hard day.